Bonjour, ci-dessous les modalités de participation aux championnats du Danemark et de Suède du 20 et 50km marche (ouverts à tous), le 03 octobre 2009 à Copenhague.
Men 50 km, Men and Women 20 km
Valbyparken (Copenhagen, Denmark), Saturday 3rd October 2009
Events schedule:
10.00 Men’s 50 km (including Danish and Swedish Championships)
10.30 15 km
10.30 5 km
10.30 3 km
11.00 Women’s 20 km (including Danish and Swedish Championships)
11.00 Men’s 20 km
11.00 10 km
11.00 2 km
17.00 Victory ceremony
DAF offers a dinner buffet for all participants and officials.
Dinner Buffet for other guests: DKK 100/EUR 13.50
Place & course: Valby Sports Centre, Ellebjergvej, appr. 5 km from Copenhagen city.
The course is situated in a park (Valbyparken), 1 km from the Sports Centre.
2 km flat road course, precisely measured according to IAAF regulations.
By e-mail to Peer Jensen
Entry deadline: Friday 25th September 2009.
Please include club/country, name, distance, year of birth, PB, SB, travel- & accommodation details + Dinner Buffet reservation.
Entry fee: DKK 100 or EUR 13.50
Accommodation: In the same period the Olympic Congress takes place, so it may be difficult to find a hotel, but try here:〈=en&selected_currency=hotel_currency
Transport: The organiser is not obliged to arrange for transport.
Participation: For placing in the National Walking Championships, international eligibility to compete for the country is required.
The competition is open for guest participation (no championship placing).
Non-championship participants can enter any distance by own choice.
Medals: Gold, silver and bronze medals are awarded in the National Championship events.